GE Monogram®
27" Built-In Ovens
Design Information
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Mo d e ls
ZEK7 5 7 WW
a va ila b le
White double convection oven
ZEK7 5 7 BW
Black double convection oven
ZEK7 3 7 WW
White single convection oven
ZEK7 3 7 BW
Black single convection oven
With both single and double built-in styles, contempo-
rary Monogram ovens offer an array of choices for the
custom kitchen:
• Built-in double convection ovens
• Built-in single convection ovens
• Monogram built-in ovens are available in sophisti-
cated black or glistening white.
Dim e n s io n s
a n d c le a ra n c e s
Double oven
A - 20" (508 mm)
B - 23-1/2" (597 mm)
C - 26-13/16" (681 mm)
D - 50-3/4" (1289 mm)
E - 26-3/16" (665 mm)
F - 1-3/4" (44 mm)
G - 15/16" (24 mm)
H - 49-5/8" (1260 mm)
J - 1/4" (6 mm)
K - 7/8" (22 mm)
Single oven
A - 20" (508 mm)
B - 23-1/2" (597 mm)
C - 26-13/16" (681 mm)
D - 28-9/16" (725 mm)
E - 26-3/16" (665 mm)
F - 1-3/4" (44 mm)
G - 15/16" (24 mm)
H - 27-7/16" (697 mm)
J - 1/4" (6 mm)
K - 7/8" (22 mm)
Design Information
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Ca b in e t s t yle
o p t io n s
Front Framed Full Overlay Door
Front Framed Partial Overlay Door
Monogram ovens are installed directly into a wall or
wall oven cabinetr y, 27" minimum width. The front
surface of the ovens will be nearly flush with sur-
rounding cabinetry. To obtain optimal appearance,
cabinet cutouts must be exact. The examples shown
here illustrate typical styles of 27" cabinets and oven
fit. Installation instructions for each of these basic
cabinetry styles are provided in this section.
De s ig n e r No t e : Whenever
possible, align the oven with
cabinetry details such as
drawers, doors and reveals.
Monogram ovens can be recessed into front framed
cabinets with inset flush doors. This installation
requires 26-7/ 8" wide and 24-1/ 2" deep cutout. See
page 6 for details.
Recessed Installation In
Front Framed Inset Flush Door
No t e : This installation requires
26-7/8" wide, 24-1/2" deep
Design Information
Bu ilt-In Oven s
In s t a lla t io n
o p t io n s
Single Oven Installed Below A
Single Oven Installed Below A
ZEM200WV Microwave Oven
ZMC1090WV/ZMC1090BV Microwave Oven
• Install a single oven alone or below any Monogram
microwave oven.
• For an integrated look, install a single oven below
the ZMC1090BV and ZMC1090WV built-in style
microwave ovens. No trim kits required.
• Install a single oven below a ZEM200WV microwave
oven. JX827WN trim kit required.
S id e -b y-s id e
in s t a lla t io n
o p t io n
Install single ovens side-by-side. Minimum spacing
• 5" minimum separation between cabinet openings—
any type oven.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
To o ls a n d
m a t e ria ls
re q u ire d
• 2" x 4" lumber for runners
Ovens are designed for installation in a cabinet 27" min. wide.
• Cut 2" x 4" runners of appropriate length or solid shelf to
support oven.
• Saw
• Level
• Phillips screwdriver and wood screws or other hardware for
installing runners or shelf to support oven.
• Attach runners or solid shelf in opening as shown.
• Runners must be level and rigidly mounted.
Fra m e d c a b in e t
d o u b le o ve n
Front Framed Full
Front Framed
Overlay Door
Partial Overlay Door
A Cabinet Width
27" Min.
Cutout Width
Cutout Height
25 " Min.
49-11/16" Min./50-1/8" Max.
23-5/8" Min.
13-1/4" Min.
D Cutout Depth
Cutout Location
H Overall Height
W Overall Width
• Installing 13-1/ 4" from floor will place base of upper
oven at countertop level.
Use the information in this dimension drawing for
typical framed cabinets. The front face of the oven
will be flush with cabinetry doors or drawers.
– May be more than 13-1/ 4" from floor, depending
upon user preference.
• All Monogram ovens require 7/ 8" overlap to
both sides and bottom. Allow 1/ 4" min. for top
Order a double oven cabinet.
Rough opening for double oven must be:
• Depth—23-5/ 8" min. from inside back to front of
cabinet frame.
• Oven overlaps will conceal all raw edges.
• Width—25" min.
• Height—49-11/ 16" min. 50-1/ 8" max.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Fra m e d c a b in e t
s in g le o ve n
Front Framed
Partial Overlay Door
A Cabinet Width
27" Min.
25" Min.
27-1/2" Min./28-1/8" Max.
23-5/8" Min.
32-1/2" Recommended
Cutout Width
Cutout Height
D Cutout Depth
Cutout Location
H Overall Height
W Overall Width
Use the information in this dimension drawing for
typical framed cabinets. The front face of the oven
will be flush with cabinetry doors or drawers.
• 32-1/ 2" from floor is recommended to bring oven
floor to countertop height.
• All Monogram ovens require 7/ 8" overlap on both
sides and bottom. Allow 1/ 4" min. for top overlap.
• Oven overlaps will conceal all raw edges.
Order a single oven cabinet.
Rough opening for single oven must be:
• Depth—23-5/ 8" min. from inside back to front of
cabinet frame.
• Width—25" min.
• Height—27-1/ 2" min. 28-1/ 8" max.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Re c e s s e d
in s t a lla t io n :
Fro n t fra m e d
c a b in e t s
w it h
in s e t d o o rs
a n d d ra w e rs
Front Framed
Inset Flush Door
If you are using front framed cabinets with inset
doors, these ovens can be installed flush with the
front. In this installation the oven is completely
recessed into the cabinet.
Rough opening for single and double ovens:
• Depth 24-1/ 2" min. from inside back to front of
cabinet frame.
– If the cabinet is not 24-1/ 2" deep, the back of the
cabinet should be cutout. The cutout should be
minimized in order to maintain structural strength
and squareness of the cabinet.
This is achieved by installing cleats, set back 15/ 16"
from the front frame. The cleats will hold the oven
mounting screws. The cabinet must be wide enough
to allow 26-7/ 8" opening. Whenever possible, order
the cabinets with the cutout sized to fit the oven.
Provide this information to the cabinet manufacturer
in advance.
• Height—for double oven 50-3/ 4".
• Height—for single oven 28-9/ 16"
No t e : Installation in a recessed
application is not approved for
vinyl covered cabinets.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Fra m e le s s
c a b in e t s
• Width—25" min.
Use the information in this dimension drawing for
typical frameless cabinets. The front face of the oven
will be flush with cabinetry doors or drawers.
– Frameless cabinet inside width may be up to
25-3/ 4". Add 1/ 2" cleats to the sides, flush with
the front edge of the side panels to accept
mounting screws.
Whenever possible, order 27" frameless cabinet with
the cutout sized to fit the oven. If you are using stock
cabinets, additional finished filler pieces may be
required to cover openings.
• Height—for double oven 49-11/ 16" min.
• Height—for single oven 27-1/ 2" min.
Both single and double ovens require 7/ 8" overlap
around edges of opening on both sides and bottom.
Allow 1/ 4" for top overlap.
Rough opening for single and double ovens:
• Depth—23-5/ 8" min. from inside back to front of
cabinet or side panel, excluding doors or drawer
• Allow 1/ 8" clearance between top of oven and
cabinet door or panel and 1/ 8" between bottom of
oven and cabinet drawer.
– If the cabinet is not 23-5/ 8" deep, the back of the
cabinet should be cutout. The cutout should be
minimized in order to maintain structural strength
and squareness of the cabinet.
• Installation of double oven requires a total height of
51" including clearances at top and bottom.
• Installation of single oven requires a total height
of 28-13/ 16" including clearances.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
S in g le o ve n
in s t a lle d
b e lo w a
m ic ro w a ve
o ve n
Microwave Ovens
ZMC1090WV, ZMC1090BV
19" min.
18" min.
15" ±1/16"
24-7/8" ±1/16"
Order a double oven cabinet.
Install a level base of 3/ 8" thick plywood, supported by
2"x4" or 1"x2" equivalent runners on all four sides:
– Flush with lower edge of opening and entirely
covering floor of opening.
See the chart above for cutout dimensions and
receptacle locations for each microwave oven.
• Allow 1-7/ 8" clearance between microwave oven and
single oven, for trim kit or oven overlap.
Models ZMC1090WV and ZMC1090BV do not require
trim kits. When installed the outside dimensions will
be 26-3/ 4"W, 18-5/ 8"H.
• Finished microwave oven floor must support
minimum weight of:
– 120 pounds for ZMC1090BV/ WV.
– 100 pounds for ZEM200WV.
• Model ZEM200WV requires JX827WN accessory
trim kit. When installed the outside dimensions will
be 26-1/ 8"W, 16-1/ 4"H.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
S in g le o ve n
in s t a lle d
b e lo w a
c o u n t e rt o p
Monogram ovens can be installed below a countertop.
The rough opening of the base cabinet should be:
• Depth–23-5/ 8" min. from inside back to front of
cabinet frame.
Monogram 36" Halogen and ribbon cooktop can be
installed over a single oven. Refer to cooktop
installation instructions for cutout.
• Locate the junction box 16" min. below the
• Width–25" min.
• Height–27-1/ 2" min. 28-1/ 8" max.
All Monogram single ovens require 7/ 8" on both sides
and bottom. Allow 1/ 4" min. for top overlap.
• Oven overlaps will conceal raw edges.
Locate the junction box:
• 17-1/ 2" from the centerline of the opening to the
left side.
• 14" below the countertop.
Cabinetry Modification Suggestions
Bu ilt-In Oven s
P ro vid e
o ve n s u p p o rt s
The ovens may be supported by either a solid bottom
or 2 x 4 runners.
If a solid bottom is used, a 6" x 10" rectangle must be
cut out to allow enough cooling airflow during a self-
cleaning operation.
• The support must be level and rigidly mounted,
flush with the bottom edge of the cutout.
• The entire weight of the oven is supported by 2 x 4
runners or the solid floor and must be capable of
supporting 200 lbs. for double ovens and 150 lbs.
for single ovens.
– Cut the solid bottom out of 5/ 8" min. thick
sheeting to fit the inside dimensions of the
cabinet. Measure 10-1/ 2" from left side and 7"
from the back wall. Cut the ventilation hole 6"
wide and 10" deep.
In s t a ll
o ve n s u p p o rt s
• Measure and mark the location of the runners or
solid floor.
• Cut two pieces of 3/ 8" to 5/ 8" thick sheeting, to fit
inside cabinet depth and available inside cabinet
height. If there is no interference below the cutout,
such as drawer runners, the sheeting can rest on the
floor. Secure the sheeting strips or pieces to the
cabinet walls with screws. Lay 2 x 4 or solid bottom
on top of the sheeting and drive screws through the
top and into the sheeting.
– 13-1/ 4" from the floor to the top of support, for
double ovens.
– 32-1/ 2" recommended from the floor to the top of
support, for single ovens.
Cabinetry Modifications Suggestions
Bu ilt-In Oven s
De t e rm in e
n e e d fo r
fille r p a n e ls
If the cabinets being used have an opening that is
taller than the maximum dimensions indicated for
the ovens, filler panels can be made to fill the gaps.
Stock filler strips are usually available or for larger
gaps order an extra drawer front. Drawer fronts are
recommended because they will match the cabinetry
and have finished edges. Any cut edges will be seen
and should be finished.
Frameless cabinets usually come with a front panel
covering the opening. For the optimum finished look,
this panel can be removed and used to construct filler
The oven support floor and supports should be
installed at the required locations.
If there is a gap between the oven support floor and
the bottom of the opening, a bottom filler panel
should be constructed to fill the gap.
Measure from the oven support floor to the top of the
opening. If the opening height is larger than the
maximum cutout height, a filler panel should be
constructed to fill the gap.
Fille r p a n e l
c o n s t ru c t io n
We suggest that the filler panel be constructed using
4 pieces:
• Appearance panel to match doors and drawers.
• A rail which will be covered by the oven overlaps
and conceal any slight gap between the top or
bottom of the oven and the start of the filler panel.
The face of the rail should be made of finished
matching material; the cut edges and ends do not
need to be finished.
• Cleats which will be used to secure the filler panel
and rail to the cabinet. One for each side.
Cabinetry Modification Suggestions
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Cu t ra il
fo r fille r
p a n e l
Cut the rail out of finished material:
• The width should match cabinet opening width.
• The height of the top rail should be enough to
securely attach the rail to the appearance panel,
plus 1/ 4" oven trim overlap.
• The height of the bottom rail should be enough to
securely attach the rail to the appearance panel,
plus 7/ 8" oven trim overlap.
• The height of both the top and bottom rails should
be adjusted depending upon the height of the gap
to be filled or to enhance appearance.
Cu t a p p e a ra n c e
p a n e l
Use drawer fronts for appearance panels or cut
finished material and finish raw edges.
• The appearance panel width should match drawer
fronts or doors.
• Make the appearance panel appropriate height to
fill the gap above or below the oven, allowing for
reveals and overlaps to match existing drawers or
De t e rm in e
lo c a t io n
o f c le a t s
• To find the exact position of the cleats, place the
appearance panel onto the cabinet in desired
position and align to match the other drawers and
• Use a pencil to mark the back side of the panel
where it meets the cabinet corners.
Cabinetry Modifications Suggestions
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Cu t a n d
s e c u re c le a t s
t o fille r p a n e l
For the top filler panel:
For the bottom filler panel:
• Cut 2 cleats out of 3/ 4" thick material, approxi-
mately 1-1/ 4" wide.
• Cut 2 cleats out of 3/ 4" thick material, approxi-
mately 1-1/ 4" wide.
• Cut the cleats to a length leaving approximately
1/ 2" at the bottom of the appearance panel to
attach the rail.
• Cut the cleats to a length leaving approximately
1/ 2" at the top of the filler panel to attach the rail.
• Position the outside edge and bottom of the cleat
against the corner pencil marks.
• Position the outside edge and top of the cleat
against the corner pencil marks.
• Secure the cleat to the appearance panel with
• Secure the cleat to the appearance panel with
No t e : If appearance panel is very narrow, cleats can be attached to
No t e : The screws should be long enough to secure the cleats to the the rail.
filler panel without penetrating the appearance side.
S e c u re ra il
t o a p p e a ra n c e
p a n e l
No t e : The screws should be long enough to secure rail to the filler
panel without penetrating the finished face of the filler panel.
• Place rail against cleats and flush with the outside
edges of the cleats. Secure with wood screws. If the
appearance panel is very narrow, cleats can be
attached to the rail.
S e c u re
a s s e m b le d
fille r p a n e l
t o c a b in e t
• Place filler panel in proper position. To attain
proper relationship to adjacent drawers and doors
you may need to space the filler panel out from the
cabinet face/ edges using drawer bumpers or other
Bu ilt-In Oven s
To o ls a n d
m a t e ria ls
re q u ire d
• Outlet box
Monogram built-in single and double ovens require
a separate, properly grounded 3-wire 120/ 208 or 120/
240 volt, 60 Hz power supply, protected by a time
delay fuse or circuit breaker. Ovens are supplied with a
flexible power cable, which must be attached to a
junction box. The cable length is 48" for both single
and double conventional ovens. The cable length for
convection type ovens is 54".
• Electrical cable—3-conductor or 4-conductor wire—as required
by local codes
• Flexible power cable connector
• Electrician’s pliers
No t e : Do not use an extension
cord with these appliances.
Double ovens are rated 6.8 KW at 240 volt, and 5.1 KW
at 208 volt.
Single ovens are rated 3.4 KW at 240 volt, and 2.6 KW
at 208 volt.
Ele c t ric a l
lo c a t io n s
The back of the ovens have chamfered corners which
provide a “chase” for the conduit when installing a
junction box above or below the oven(s).
The conduit is located on the back of the oven,
approximately 10" from the right side.
For double oven:
• Locate and install the junction box within reach of
the power cord.
– Approximately 10" from the left side of opening
– 56" minimum above the cutout floor
– or, through the left side of cabinet wall into
adjacent cabinet.
For single oven:
• Locate and install the junction box within reach of
the power cord.
– Approximately 10" from left side of opening.
– At least 5" below the cutout floor
– Or 34" minimum above the cutout floor
– or, through the left side of cabinet wall into
adjacent cabinet.
Double Oven:
Single Oven:
Locate Junction Box
in one of the locations
Locate Junction Box
in one of the locations
Bu ilt-In Oven s
Fin a lize
in s t a lla t io n
Ca u t io n : Do not lift oven or
oven door by handle. Door glass
breakage or handle damage may
occur. Glass surface of door face
extends beyond door frame on
each side; be careful not to
impact this exposed glass.
Ca u t io n : When door is
removed and hinge arms are at
stop position, do not bump or try
to move hinge arms. Hinges
could snap back, causing an
injury to hands or damage to
porcelain surface.
Remove oven door:
• Open the door to stop position.
• Grasp each side of door, lifting up and off the hinges.
• Cover hinges with toweling while working in oven
No t e : The lower front trim is packed separately and should not be
attached until the oven is installed and secured to the installation
In s t a ll lo w e r
o ve n t rim
• Secure lower front trim to the front frame with 3
Phillips head screws provided.
• Secure trim to the side trim with 2 #20 torx head
screws as illustrated.
The bottom trim provides an opening for
cooling air to enter the cabinet. This
opening should never be blocked.
Ro u t e
No t e : It is best that 2 people
c a b le
t h ro u g h
c u t o u t
perform this step: one to hold
oven in position and one to feed
With oven in front of cabinet opening:
• Start feeding the flexible power cable through
• Insert oven 3/ 4 way into cabinet opening. Continue
to feed flexible power cable while sliding oven into
place. This is to insure that the flexible power cable
will not get trapped between the back of the oven
and the back of the cabinet wall.
Be sure you do not tip the unit forward
during installation or you may bend the
Lower Side Trim.
Bu ilt-In Oven s
S e c u re
o ve n
t o c a b in e t
• Slide oven into cabinet opening.
• Drill 3/ 32" pilot holes through mounting holes in
oven front frame. (2 screw holes for single ovens,
4 screw holes for double ovens.)
• Secure oven in place with screws furnished. (Use
drywall screws if cabinet is particulate board).
Securely fasten oven to cabinet using the
screws provided. Failure to do so could
cause the oven to move or tip during use
and result in personal injur y.
Re p la c e t h e
o ve n d o o r
• Remove toweling. The hinges should still be in stop
• Slide the door down onto the hinges as far as it will
go. Close the door.
Co n n e c t
e le c t ric a l
With oven installed:
• Connect oven power cable to junction box, using
flexible power cable connector.
– Be sure connections are secure.
Built-In Oven s
Co n n e c t
e le c t ric a l
(c o n t in u e d )
• When connecting to a 3-conductor branch circuit:
– Connect oven red lead to branch circuit red lead.
– Connect oven black lead to branch circuit black
– Connect oven bare copper conductor and white
lead to branch circuit neutral lead (white or gray).
• When connecting to a 4-conductor branch circuit:
– Connect oven red lead to branch circuit red lead.
– Connect oven black lead to branch circuit black
– Break connection between oven white lead and
oven bare copper conductor.
– Connect oven white lead to branch circuit neutral
lead (white or gray).
– Connect oven bare copper conductor to branch
circuit ground lead (green or bare copper).
No t e : Aluminum house wiring
requires use of special
aluminum-to-copper connectors.
Follow manufacturer’s
instructions carefully.
NOTE: While performing installations described in this book,
safety glasses or goggles should be worn.
To obtain specific information concerning any
Monogram product or service, call GE Answer Center®
consumer information service at 800.626.2000—any
time, day or night.
For Monogram local service in your area, call
NOTE: Product improvement is a continuing endeavor at General
Electric. Therefore, materials, appearance and specifications are
subject to change without notice.
Pub. No. 49-8804
1996 GE Appliances
(N.D. 616) 9/ 96
General Electric Company
Louisville, KY 40225
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