SPARC Enterprise T5140 Server Getting Started Guide
SPARC Enterprise T5140 サーバ はじめにお読み く だ さ い
This guide describes the minimum steps you must perform to get your server to power on and boot for the first time
using the preinstalled Solaris™ Operating System (Solaris OS).
FIGURE 1 SPARC Enterprise T5140 Server
Shipping Contents
RJ-45 Ethernet cable
RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter (crossover)
RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (crossover)
Wrist strap
Power cords (packaged separately)
Rackmounting kit with cable
management assembly
Quick Setup Instructions
For quick installation and configuration, follow these steps. For more detailed information, refer to the complete online
product documentation set at: http://www.fujitsu.com/sparcenterprise/manual/
Understand the following information before you set up the server for the first time:
Choose the best instructions for your situation – These quick setup instructions work for any networking
environment, and require the use of a terminal device for connectivity to a serial port. If you have a networking
environment running DHCP, you can configure your system using the Ethernet management port. To take advantage
of DHCP setup method, refer to the online installation guide instead of these instructions.
Set aside sufficient time – Installation times vary, but if you are performing these setup instructions for the first time,
plan to spend about 45 to 75 minutes to complete all of these instructions. Additional time might be required for
installing optional hardware and rackmounting kits.
Gather your configuration information – During the configuration, you are prompted for time zone and networking
Obtain a terminal device – You configure this rackmountable server through the service processor (SP) using the
built-in serial and network management ports, and not through a graphical interface and keyboard. For more
Do not apply power at this time – This system includes a service processor (SP) that is used to configure and boot the
main host server. To properly configure the host server and view SP messages, do not apply AC power to the server
until the SP and host networking connections are made, as described in this guide.
7. At the terminal device, log in to the SP as rootwith a password of changeme.
SUNSP00144FAC732F login: root
Password: changeme
. . .
After a brief delay, the SP prompt is displayed (->). At this point, there are many commands you can perform using
the Integrated Lights Out Manager interface.
Additional SP information, such as how to change the password and how to set up the SP network parameters is
available in the online documentation set.
8. Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device:
-> start /SYS
Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y
-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/CONSOLE (y/n)? y
Serial console started. To stop, type #.
. . .
After you start the SP console, the server initialization takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
9. When prompted, follow the onscreen instructions and enter the following configuration information.
You will be prompted to confirm the configuration several times, enabling confirmation and changes. If you are not
sure how to respond to a particular value, you can accept the default, and make future changes when the Solaris OS
is running.
Select a number from the displayed language list.
Select a number from the displayed locale list.
Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal device.
Select Yes.
Terminal Type
Multiple Network Interfaces
Select the network interfaces that you plan to configure. If you are not sure, select the first
one in the list.
Select Yes or No according to your network environment.
Enter the host name for the server.
Host Name
IP Address
Enter the IP address for this Ethernet interface.
Select Yes or No according to your network environment.
(If subnet was Yes) Enter the netmask for the subnet for your network environment.
Subnet Netmask
Specify whether or not to use IPv6. If you are not sure, select No to configure the Ethernet
interface for IPv4.
Security Policy
Select either standard UNIX security (No) or Kerberos Security (Yes). If you are not sure,
select No.
Review the onscreen information and change it if needed. Otherwise, continue.
Select the name service according to your network environment.
Name Service
Note–If you select a name service other than None, you will be prompted for additional name
service configuration information.
NFSv4 Domain Name
Time Zone (Continent)
Select the type of domain name configuration according to your environment. If you are not
sure, select UsetheNFSv4domainderivedbythesystem.
Select your continent.
Time Zone (Country or Region) Select your country or region.
Time Zone
Select the time zone.
Date and Time
root Password
Accept the default date and time or change the values.
Enter the rootpassword twice. This password is for the superuser account for the Solaris OS
on this server. This password is not the SP password.
When the configuration menus are completed, the server reboots and displays the Solaris login prompt.
10. Log in to the server and explore the capabilities.
There are many commands you can use to verify the functionality of the system. The following list describes a few of
showrev– Displays the hostname and system architecture information. Use the -aoption with this command to
see the patches that are installed.
psrinfo– Displays information about the number and status of the processors and cores in the host.
prtdiag– Displays system configuration and diagnostic information.
Review the Solaris OS man pages and documentation for more details.
Accessing Important Information for SPARC Enterprise Series Servers
Before you deploy your server, check for the Product Notes for your server and other important information on the
following websites.
Global Site
North American Site
Japanese Site
Accessing Documentation
The following websites provide the latest versions of SPARC Enterprise Series manuals:
Global Site
North American Site
Japanese Site
Reader's Comments Regarding This Manual
If you have any comments or requests regarding this manual, or if you find any unclear statements in the manual, please
state your points specifically, and forward it to the system engineer (SE) in charge, or your sales representative.
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material.
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Entrée et revue tecnical fournies par FUJITSU LIMITED sur des parties de ce matériel.
Manual Code C120-E488-01XA
Part No. 875-4326-10
February 2008, Revision A
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material.
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Entrée et revue tecnical fournies par FUJITSU LIMITED sur des parties de ce matériel.
Manual Code C120-E488-01XA
Part No. 875-4326-10
2008 年 2 月 , Revision A
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